
Tuesday 17 May 2011

A Visit To a Fair

This year a few friends of mine accompanied me to the Cheragh Shah Fair which is held in Lahore in spring season. We biked to the Shalimar gardens. But the roads were thronged with crowds of men women and children. We got down to make our way through the crowd. The policemen were straining every nerve to direct the huge crowds.
People came from far and near to see it. Shopkeepers take full advantage of such occasions. There were about a thousand stalls set up along the road. These shops though temporarily set up were so well decorated that the sweets and their smell and sight were really very tempting. The shopkeepers had a busy time the hawkers had no less.
The Shalimar gardens presented an attractive look. The grassy plots had been properly trimmed. The pretty flowers looked gay and charming. The fountains were in full swing. Small streams were running along the walks. All this reminded us of the Mughal glory and splendour.
Some of the beautiful lawns were scenes of variety shows. In one could be seen a snake charmer. He played on hit flute and attracted a large crowd around him. He opened his basket and allowed a huge snake to creep out of it. He made it dance to the tunes of his flute. Then the snake charmer thought of another trick He bit the snake it became furious and attacked the crowd. Which got frightened and turned pale. The snake charmer was took quick for the snake and stopped it in no time.
In another plot a juggler was amusing the spectators by his feats. A rope dancer a fire eater a rustic harmonium player had attracted a large number of people elsewhere. The merry go rounds wheeling round and round with their freight of children had a busy time too.
We enjoyed this fair had our lunch there and returned home in the best of spirits.

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